Welcome to the Mountain Fables Gallery.

"Where Imagination Meets the Wild"

At the Mountain Fables Gallery you will find the answers to questions like ~ ~ ~

Just where is Mountain Fables? Who, besides Ms. J lives there?  

Why is everything so outdoorsy? And finally - How do I get there?

Where is Mountain Fables?

Mountain Fables is a mythical place residing deep within my imagination! It is a frame of mind that I enter when I take my walks. There are many real and imagined stories that awaken my creativity as I hike it's fields, its gullies, its woodlands and its meadows.

Horse and wagons once traveled a trail through the woods which was said to have been a road in the 1800's. Who used it? When was it made? When and Why did they stop using it? Long forgotten as a thoroughfare, with no official records , this time warn road holds many opportunities for the imagination to run wild. 

Rocks piles scattered deep in the woods. Surely a mystery waiting to unfold. Did an alien landing upend the earth and leave rock exposed and strewn about?  Maybe the piles were caused by a sudden rumbling or small quake of the earth that caused an upheaval of rock from beneath. Chances are there is a more rational explanation for this phenomena!

The clearing of stone from the adjoining field in preparation for planting and plowing is most likely the source of these piles. Why is the pile in the woods? Because the woods use to be part of the adjoining field! Over my many years on the mountain I have seen unkept field edges slowly turn to forest. How could that happen? Picture a farmer, perhaps centuries ago, plowing the field with a walk behind plow, braking sod and unearthing many stones. These stones must be removed to create a smooth planting, plowing surface. So, the farmer and their helpers diligently toil to remove the stone.  More perfect stones may be placed on a wagon and carted away to become stonewalls, foundation stones, chimneys, interior or exterior housing veneer or sidewalks. The undesirables are thrown neatly in a pile, out of the way, on the edge of the field. Enter imagination! Did the farmer have helpers? Were the helpers family, friends, hired or a combination. Was the walk behind plow horse or man powered? How old are the stones and how did each one come to have its shape? What about the stones with fossilized sea-like  organisms molded into themwas this field once a big bpdy of water? 




Often I pass interestingly twisted tree roots or leaf covered tree trunks with obvious "house holes" tunneling into or beneath them. Who lives there? Is it the home of some small, cute furry animal? A small reptile of some sort? Could a shy or reclusive fairy, a pixy, maybe a gnome call this place home? Or, perhaps the neatly placed hole is the home where a small mountain troll spends peaceful days and rests its head at night!

Every living plant, quiet rock, fallen branch or passing creature which lives within Mountain Fables has an artful beauty about it and each has a mysterious history that provides inspiration for everything I do.                                                         

As the saying goes...                               

 "If the trees and rocks could talk." (At least that's the what I say it)

There are many static and moving parts that form Ms. J's Mountain.                                                                                                                        Mountain Fables is the place where they all live and the place that binds them together.          

                                                                                                       Ms. J

Some of the Holes Where Fables Live.

Mountain Fables Guided Tours