Public Library


 Comfrey Reference List

Meet your new plant.

Comfrey ~ At a Glance





  • Scientific Name: Symphytum x uplandicum                                  
  • Botanical Name: Bocking 14 / Russian Comfrey




  • Family:  Borage / Boraginaceae / Forget-Me-Not 
  • Genus: Symphytum
  • Kingdom: Plantae




  • Commonly known and referred to as as "Comfrey", this perennial plant has been used as a household staple for centuries. It is known as one of the most versatile herbs there is because of it's many uses. Throughout time Comfrey has been used as a oral and a topical medication, a food source for humans as well as animals, in horticulture as a fertilizer and in landscaping as boarders and as a pollinator attractor.                                 
  • **In recent times multiple countries, Including the USA, have banned Comfrey for sale to the public. The reason for this ban is that Comfrey contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which are toxins. that may cause liver damage and / or cancer resulting in death. The USA ban in 2001 made the sale of oral products (foods and medications) containing Comfrey illegal. Topical products have not been banned.                                                                         
  • Even though banned for oral use Comfrey is still considered a very versatile and useful natural herb. Among today's herbalist, farmers and gardeners it still maintains its status as one of the most important herbal plants there is. 


COMMON NAMES - Europe and America

Comfrey / Boneset / Knitbone / Black Wort / WallWort /   Consound / Slippery Root 


COMMON NAMES - Australia (1)



Dynamic Healer / Dynamic Accumulator / Nutrient Pump

Green Manure / Comfrey Tea ( Liquid Fertilizer)

Soil Amender / Compost Activator


NICK NAMES - *Ms. J Originals  

© 12-19-2023 Jelani K. Asantewa

*Worm Attractor / *Earthworm Hotel / *Worm Generator 

*Bumblebee Shopping Plaza / *Bumblebee Plaza


Medicinal: muscle and joint aches, reduce swelling

Medical Use Forms: poltice, salve, oil,

Warning: Contains the toxin XXXXXXXXX

Animal Fodder

Fertilizer, Mulch

Terrestrial Habitat: Polinators, small mammals, reptiles, insect, gastropods

Ground cover-garden




How comfrey got its name Russian . / Bocking / Scientific /// How many species /// Common/True vs Russian


Gardening Nutrients and Vitamins bought to soil /// Bees


As a wash or rinse.

Reading Material and Videos on Comfrey.

(Please read before entering the Library)


I have grown Comfrey for over 40 years. Through these years I have heard and witnessed many of the attributes. I have also heard the criticisms of Comfrey. The database of reading articles and videos below are presented as an impartial collection of information which address some of the attributes and criticisms I have encountered during my Comfrey journey. The articles are intended to provide incite into this sometimes controversial, but revered plant. These article entries also serve as my reference list for research on topics which were either new to me or not in an area of my expertise. 

As I stated, I am a Comfrey grower and observer of over 40 years. However, the knowledge and observations I have are those of a handler. I am  not a botanist, a scientist, a researcher, a homeopath or a traditional medical or veterinary doctor. Therefore I present these articles neither to persuade you, contradict medical findings either way, nor dissuade your personal opinion in any matter. 

***These articles are in no way meant to act as or replace the medical advice of your personal healthcare provider, physician or veterinarian or any other qualified professional. You should always consult the appropriate qualified professional / expert in matters of health, whether concerning human, animal or plant well-being.

The articles listed below are simply a small database of informational sites and trivia that will give you a starting point to explore, expand and further many ideas and insights (both pros and cons). about the plant you have bought or are about to buy. Hopefully these articles, and others you will find along the way, will help you in formulating your own conclusions and aid you in making decisions about how you choose to use this extraordinary plant named "Comfrey".   

*** These articles will take you off site to external reading and video links. Each link will open up in a new tab within your browser. Your tab will remain open for your convenience, so that you will not loose your place. 

When external sites are visited you will encounter the use of each individual website's Terms and Conditions, cookies and advertising, none of which are endorsed by or associated with

With the sharing of public information in our Public Library database does not imply an endorsement of, or concurrence with. any of the ideas or information expressed by the Library's suggested viewing websites or reading articles.

Comfrey ~ Medical Information

Comfrey ~ Topical Preparations 

   Check out Comfrey plants available on ebay and etsy

Comfrey ~ Planting: Misc.

Comfrey ~ As an Animal Food Source